Caution® Workwear Feature Icons

Day Only
This icon designates clothing which meets AS/NZS 4602.1:2011 + Amendment No. 1 (November 2016) – Garments for high risk applications, Day only use. This standard specifies the design of garments including the minimum area of fluorescent or nonfluorescent background (compliant) materials present, including fabric, design and colours. We can provide a certificate of Conformance issued by an Independently Audited Laboratory for any product which has this Icon*.
Day Night
This icon designates clothing which meets AS/NZS 4602.1:2011 + Amendment No. 1 (November 2016) – Garments for high risk applications, Day/Night use. This standard specifies the design of garments including the minimum area of fluorescent or nonfluorescent background (compliant) materials present, including fabric, Reflective Tape, design and colours. Garments with this Icon ensure visibility of the user in high risk applications under any light conditions by day and under illumination by vehicle headlights in the dark (24 hours visibility). We can provide a certificate of Conformance issued by an Independently Audited Laboratory for any product which has this Icon*.
This is an Industry standard for the NZ Commercial Forestry Industry, provided by the New Zealand Forestry Owners Association. Its requirements are lower in some areas than the AS/NZS4602.1 but it does state that any garments which comply with AS/NZS4602.1 are accepted for use. By this designation all our Hi Vis garments which meet AS/NZS4602.1 are suitable and we classify them as compliant to the NZFOA standards. Day Only use is Classified by NZFOA as FID compliant and Day/Night Use is classified as FIDN.
This standard is a component of Part 8 of the Traffic Control Devices Manual (TCD Manual) Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM). TTMC-W17 is the latest version and outlines the requirements for Garments to be used in activities covered by the CoPTTM. TTMC-W17 Garment certification while aligned with the AS/NZS4602.1 standard is more specific and requires additional design compliance and specific dimensions.
Water Proof
Garments which have this Icon have been tested for their water proof properties in a Certified Laboratory using the Hydrostatic Head Pressure Test Method - AS 2001.2.17. Hydrostatic Head (HH) is a way of measuring how waterproof a fabric is. The resulting measurement in millimetres relates to how high a column of water standing on the fabric would need to be before the water would penetrate the fabric. Traditionally the test is carried out using a physical column of water but as fabrics have developed the ratings were getting too high for this method. Therefore the test is done using a machine that replicates the downward pressure that a water column of such height would create. The machine increases the pressure of water that is pushed against the fabric until water is visible on the other side. The required level of pressure used to force water through the fabric is then converted into a measurement of how high the water column would have been. This provides the result of the Hydrostatic Head test in millimetres.
Garments which have this Icon have been tested for their breathability in a Certified Laboratory using the Water Vapour transmission Test - ASTM E-96. This test provides a rating for breathability where the higher the rating the higher the breathability of the garment. This gives the wearer a measure to compare garments, as traditional Rainwear had no or very low breathability while the more technical fabrics now available can provide a higher breathability while still retaining a high Waterproof performance.
Any Garments which have this Icon Incorporate mesh panel or Vents in the design to create additional Air Flow & cooling. These features are especially important in many Polyester garments as the Polyester fibres do not breath to the same level of natural fibres such as Cotton.
Moisture Wicking
Garments that have this Icon use fabrics which have moisture wicking Properties. This enables the transmission of perspiration away from the body more quickly, creating a cooler feel.
Zipped Pocket
This Icon designates our Garments which incorporate a Zipped Chest Pocket. These can take a number of shapes and positions (Including under the Stormflap on Waterproof garments) but all are designed with the Modern smartphone in mind. Generous space coupled with a secure zip fastener to ensure your phone and all its valuable content will not fall out and be destroyed during the course of your work.
King Size
Any garments which have this Icon are available in our additional King Sizes. These are sizes specifically designed to cater for the larger individuals who require a fully compliant garment with a great fit. For Polos, Polar Fleece & Shirts this is Sizes 9XL, 11XL & 13XL (Up to a 210cm Chest Measurement). In Overalls this is Sizes 16 & 18 and in our Women’s Fit range Sizes 24, 26 & 28.
This Icon designates garments which have been manufactured from technical fabrics specially selected for their lightweight properties. They are specially designed to help avoid heat stress when working in summer conditions while wearing full cover. They are a great option for when Heat Fatigue is a factor in garment selection.
Ripstop Fabric
Garments using this Icon are mainly constructed from Ripstop Fabric.
Ripstop is the technique of weaving larger threads into a fabric in an intersecting pattern. The purpose of this is to create a fabric which, while lighter weight than regular fabric is either as strong or stronger due to the series of thicker threads. It also has a much higher resistance to tearing for its overall weight. Ripstop fabrics when used in Workwear result in garments which are lighter, stronger and more durable than equivalent weight garments made from regular fabrics.